Our flagship podcast and what put us on the map with Marshall fans, The ThunderCast podcast launched on April 7, 2022. The length of each weekly episode varies, but we strive to stay under that hour and a half mark. Give us a listen during your daily commute; while hitting the gym; or mowing the grass, and we promise we will keep you up to speed on all things Marshall Athletics! Each season of the show will start anew on or after July 1 each year to correspond with the start of Marshall’s season in the Sun Belt Conference.

We have become known for a consistent format of “Five Things Every Herd Fan Needs to Know This Week,” a feature segment most weeks, and then we take you “Around the Herd,” by discussing the results of every athletic team from the previous week and preview what lies ahead for them this week.

We can be found on every audio streaming platform, but most listen to us on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts. A few months into Season 2, we also started bringing you each episode in video format on YouTube. Links to the most popular platforms are below:

Apple Podcasts
Google Podcasts

The title sponsor of the show is 304CarWreck.com, which is the Leasure Oliver, PLLC law firm. They have been with us since before day one, and have made it possible for us to grow and bring you the content you enjoy.